Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Review of "The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA"

Thomas E. Woodward, PhD, and James P. Gills, MD attempt to do a few very interesting things in this book. First, they attempt to make the science of the epigenome accessible and understanding to the "lay-person". This goal is achieved well. They define many terms and theories that otherwise would have my head spinning. With conversational writing and actual dialogue (WHAT? Dialogue in a science book? Yes.) this book was actually pleasant to read. 

"Well done" and pats on the back, gentlemen. (I never got fantastic grades in the sciences...however, this book was easily understandable).  

Doctors Woodward and Gills also attempted to marry Spirituality (and specifically Christianity) with the study of cellular science. This is a controversial bridge to create. Both sides are typically in opposition. I appreciate the attempts of these authors to make sense of logic behind the intricacies of cells and the masterful design of the Creator.

This book not only has great chapters, but it also has discussion questions at the end of each section, making it great for a discussion group or Bible study. It also includes colorful pictures. And at the end it features "Frequently Asked Questions". It is clear that these doctors worked diligently on this book. And yet, with such a HUGE subject, the book is only 160 pages. It is definitely readable at that length.

I recommend this book to anyone who is reaching out to learn more about the science of creation. Also for those who want to analyze the creation claims of Scripture. It's good for the seeker who wants to learn more about why we have faith in the Creator. 

Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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