Friday, January 13, 2012

Review of I Peter: Finding Encouragement in Troubling Times. Week One.

Each Friday I'll be reviewing a Bible study lesson from this Sue Edward study of I Peter. 

When a Bible study starts with "Do you ever wonder if you would deny Christ if faced with prison, poverty or pain?" (page 10), well, you know that you're in for a deep study. 

A Bible study that will delve into your heart and bring about great introspection. 

This is my kind of Bible study.

In the introduction, she brings up the possibility of persecution. She encourages us to be ready, because we never know if it will happen to us, our children or our grand children. And she reminds us that persecution is happening in nations around the world. 

This made me reflect. Have I ever been persecuted for my faith?

No. I haven't.

I've been called ignorant. Stupid. Weak. Naive.

But never persecuted. 

Nothing like the early Church faced in the arenas of Rome. Nothing like a woman who is honor killed by her family member in modern nations. 

I guess the word that really applies to what I've experienced is opposition. People who want to debate their views against mine. I've lost friends because of my faith. It hurts. Sure. It's awful. 

So many times I've seen Christians react in two ways to this kind of opposition. Some hold firm and get angry and argue and scream. Others fun from their beliefs, back peddling to avoid a fight.  Both are problematic for obvious reasons. And I've been guilty for both responses.

And I think that neither of those reactions are full of hope. "Hope for the heaven bound", as Sue Edwards says at the end of the introduction. Hope doesn't get angry and spout off arguments. Hope doesn't deny what it knows to be true. Hope is faithful. Hope is gentle. Hope is loving. And those reactions, when faced with opposition or even persecution, are full of the Fruit of the Spirit. And God will equip us to display these Fruits when faced with hard times. Or even horrible times.

This study is packed. It is a big beef steak of wisdom and instruction. And I am so excited that I get to go through this faith building study.

Check back next week for my review of Lesson 2.

Note: I received a copy of this study in exchange of an honest review.

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